This is the smallest of Ortlieb’s Dry Duffel line, K1473. It is scaled down from the 60, 85, and 110 liter versions that we sell. The measurements we get, and we prefer not to just go by what the manufacturer says, are 20.5” long, 12.5” across, and about 9.5” tall. The heights on all of the Ortlieb Dry Duffels can vary a bit depending whether you measure at the middle or ends, how stuffed the bag is, and also depending whether the black nylon hooks at each end of the bag are snapped to their hooks or not. So here, 9.5” is give or take about 3/4”. The mesh exterior pouch is a bit narrower than it looks in this photo, so don’t plan on putting anything big in there.

As small-ish bags go this is a fairly expensive one, but the fully waterproof & submersible drysuit style zippers are what run up the costs on these Ortliebs, and labor to produce the smaller sizes is pretty much the same as it is on the bigger ones. The quality is unimpeachable, and the five year warranty is as good as it gets. These are made in Germany with high quality, all-welded material, but they are still quite light for their sizes, a scant two pounds in this case. The vast majority of drybags out there, be they roll-top or zipper equipped, are made in China, and though many are quite good almost none of them come up to the standards of Ortlieb. There is one and only one brand in existence that outranks the Ortliebs, and that is London Bridge Trading Company’s polyurethane stainless zipper bags. But those, when you can even get them, run around $500 for this same size range.
Varied solid colors year to year with backpack straps and a black cordura underside. You can carry it on your shoulders, or with the nice padded hand grip.